Sunday, June 8, 2008

26 - the Concept of Promise (4)

PROMISE - the concept has kept me awake many nights - including this one. As I write this, it is after 4 am - but I've been at it for two hours already. One verse - also in the top 5 - is 2 Corinthians 1:20 "For ALL the Promises of God find their Yes in Him" and the thought ends in verse 22 "He has put His seal upon us and given us His Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee."

Jesus and Promise are the same thing in ultimate concepts. God focuses things so Jesus get preeminence in everything. I have always wondered if people think about that as they argue over whether is is right to _______ . (Usually a person-focused concept which asks about our human activity in reference to salvation or pleasing God.)

Let's focus on the concept - God's promises find their "YES" in Christ. That concept helped seal the idea of Jesus being sent for a covenant (Isaiah 42:6; 49:8) and not simply WITH a covenant. Don't forget - since He IS the Covenant - He is sent with it as well - if we aren't simply discussing the specifics. Like the concept mentioned several times about the translation "the faith of Jesus" which is generally translated "faith in Jesus" - obviously if we focus on US - we do have faith in Jesus. But - to be true to the original concept - we actually have faith in Jesus' faith - and performance and life. Almost as if we were saying "God made the promises find their Yes in Him." If we ignore this concept - we continually think the focus is US. Amazingly enough - since HE is our Representative - we DO get quite a LOT of His focus. Wonder why that is hard to realize ?

When we know and rely on the LOVE God has for us - we get quite a benefit. (The concept is obviously 1 John 3-4 - especially 4:13-17) John contends that the normal Christian life includes total confidence on Judgment Day . . .and sorry - I just don't see that as a regular doctrine taught on ANY day of the week at many churches in all Christendom.

Why is that ? As far as I can deduce, it comes from a self-focus instead of a Jesus focus. If we think WE are the focus - then God's promises do not find their "amen" in Jesus as much as they should. As Paul said several times - "You have died" - and he wrote that to Christians - about their Christian lives. One verse continues - "and your life is HIDDEN with Christ in God" - and we must ask - is our life hidden in God - or NOT ? Well, if - as the next verse in Colossians 3 contends - "Christ is your Life" then hidden is a good thing. Plus - it harks back to the original Covenant concept - of "hiding under one who offers protection" - as our part in obedience. The focus of obedience is still Christ - we simply MUST hide in His performance - His protection - His being Lord and Savior. Then - we can see our "YES" being Christ. Otherwise - I cannot see that part of the Promises actually happening to us.

Promise - focuses on God's own ability to do what He promises - just like Paul wrote about Abraham - he believed in God being his shield and exceeding great reward - and that was counted to him as righteousness. That is our "template" for life. We believe God's provision - JESUS HIMSELF. No wonder all God's Promises are "YES" in Him.

If we make that our TRUTH - then Jesus begins to actually be Lord and Savior. Plus - we actually put our trust/faith in Him - not simply in what we believe about Him. Don't forget - this is about what we believe about Him as well. So - I care very deeply about listening to Scripture - all of it. If we approach Scripture without Jesus being the Focus - we aren't listening quite closely enough to all of Scripture. Some principles are there to control all other principles - and "Jesus is all" - is ONE of those. If we don't get that - the scripture about confidence on Judgment Day has no chance of happening in our lives. Well - maybe John was trying to just fill up that particular page one day - not really actually writing Scripture with the hope of it being fulfilled in US - what do you think ?

Standing on the Promises can have a focus on US standing - not bad - but the only reason we can ever get to us standing is - the Promises are of GOD - and they focus on what Jesus did for us - as Paul wrote "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself" - but we know that ! And - as Peter wrote "this is the True Grace of God - stand fast IN it" 1 Peter 5:12.

Promise - makes the focus God - and HE is as good as His Word - and Christ is His final word of ultimate Promise - and we can find rest there. Plus - we can invite others to find rest there - and I think that is one way to describe our ministry of reconciliation - God making His appeal through us. More to come

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