Monday, June 2, 2008

24 - The Concept of Promise (2)

Most of Christendom once in awhile gets into the "staple" business. We staple scriptures together to make a more intensified concept. The old joke in this regard goes like this: "Judas went out and hanged himself; go and do thou likewise; and what thou doest, do quickly."

So - we need to be careful to make sure scriptures actually relate to each other. That's just part of "handling aright the Word of Truth". 2 Timothy 2:15. That may be true in almost every area, but the concepts of "Covenant Theology" holds a special place for "stapling" and assuming, since it makes many assumptions which are well known to scholars. I am not going to deal with that mindset except indirectly. I simply wish to share my "pilgrimage" of trying to make sense out of actual Scripture - and what the problems were and how I dealt with them. I invite comment on possible errors in thinking, interpreting and reasoning - but especially on the possibility of "stapling" scriptures together that violate context or try to join two unharmonious thoughts.

"PROMISE" is a concept which joins mankind to God's protection and provision. One of the special "example"stories recorded in the Bible is David's fight against Goliath. Most know much about the story, but miss a few lessons it is meant to teach. Israel's kings and leaders were supposed to realize God's promises to Israel with a special focus on Deuteronomy. (Cf. Deuteronomy 20 especially verse 8.) For our purposes let's zero in on just a concept or two. When Israel goes to BATTLE, it isn't like any "modern day battle" because God told them HE was in charge. So - no one who fears should go to battle. Plus - those who were recently married should stay home. Those who recently planted a vineyard - STAY HOME. OK - think about that in reference to God's Promise - He would fight for Israel - but only with the "few" who trusted Him without fear.

As Goliath roared his challenges to Israel - the concepts were set - a "Champion" would be put forth to meet Goliath and whoever wins as the "Champion" wins for the whole nation. Question - who is there on Israel's side that shouldn't GO HOME ? God wanted no "fearful" people in battle - so only ONE qualified to be the "Champion or Representative" - David. Most of us realize David was already anointed to be King (Champion/Representative) for God, even as a youngster. BUT - what we do not always realize is - as the Battle began to be waged between David and Goliath, David was quoting the verses from Deuteronomy Saul should have known as King - so David was fulfilling the role of King in God's scheme - even though he was "just a lad". If the battle is "the Lord's" and we wage war based on God's PROMISES, then we are very bold (Paul said that as well - 2 Corinthians 3:13 - "Since we have this hope we are very bold") as did the Proverb writer - "the righteous are bold as a lion".

So - David was qualified to "fight for God" because he relied on God's promises of Victory. We might even assign brashness to David - but he simply trusted God's promises, so how else COULD he act ? Don't forget - God guarantees victory to those who trust Him.

OUR Covenant Representative was also "anointed" when He went into Battle for us. And - He was "very bold" about the Battle. Peter later wrote about it this way - "He trusted Himself to Him who judges justly". As well - other phrases express His covenant boldness in early preaching and teaching. Even Prophecy - "He was led as a lamb to the slaughter - and He opened not His mouth" - "For the JOY set before Him, He endured the Cross" but especially the John 17 prayer - He had no fear about the BATTLE, but there was a "cup He didn't wish to have to drink" - a fellowship He didn't look forward to experiencing. But - in the midst of that, HE was very bold. "I have accomplished all you have given Me to do" "I am ready to come to YOU" "Help these to know You love them just like You love Me"

Concepts - Jesus was a "willing sacrifice" and was in the crucifixion as a volunteer - just like all "Champions" must be. He simply trusted the Promises of God and as our Representative was confident that victory was guaranteed. However - like a shepherd lad who was His great-great-great grandfather (Yes - a few more greats need to be in there) - Jesus faced the foe with total confidence and great boldness and won the war for US.

Note - Israel had little confidence in David at the beginning of the Battle - but they did get in on the Victory at the end. So - us lost ones may not have had much confidence in God's plan - as we saw Him hang there on Friday - but notice the lives which were freely given away once they experienced the Victory of Sunday's RESURRECTION.

David presents Israel with His "performance under FAITH in GOD'S Promises" - and Jesus presents His Performance under faith in God's Promises - and even us fearful folks can get in on HIS VICTORY ! Well - we can't have victory if we run away from Him - but His Victory is a gift to us - and we can now "always be led in TRIUMPH" 2 Corinthians 2:14 as we receive what HE accomplished.

The principle for today - WE simply "have faith in what Jesus did on the Cross and experienced out of the grave" and we get His victory as a GIFT ! Our victory is based on His performance ! We receive that victory by faith in His performance - and we enjoy the spoils of His victory - because that is how God designed the New Covenant Life for us to live ! We can now live with NO FEAR - because He won the war. We can even share equally His inheritance as "joint heirs"- more to come

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