Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mephibosheth - example of Covenant Recipient

David and Jonathan made a covenant life commitment. It has been called everything from homosexual to unbelievable. BUT - the actual concept was well known - a covenant agreement is proposed for one reason or another - in this case, several parts are involved, but our focus is Mephibosheth, so this part referred to future possibilities. The concept is : WE who make this covenant make provision for the other's future and present family as if they were our own. If something happens to one member of the agreement, the other takes responsibility for the other's family and their future security. (1 Samuel 18:1-4; 20:14-17; 20:42; 23:17-18)

Don't forget that the "regular" way that one king treated the other's family was to kill them all, so this "covenant" was different from other nations' practices. But - we know Jonathan was an unusual man - he actually knew God's will for David to be King and wished to be David's Prime Minister. Pretty good for a crown Prince and very Godly on his part. However - the others who were part of David's loyalty acted like the Covenant didn't exist and Jonathan's (Saul's) family ran for their lives. (One result of Jonathan dying and chaos resulting.) Only Mephibosheth survived, and that as a cripple in both legs. He "holed up in Lo-debar" and basically acted like Royalty mistreated. When David became King he said, "Isn't there any of Saul's family I can 'show Kindness to' for Jonathan's sake." This was David's way of expressing covenant application. He did hear of Mephibosheth finally and sent an armed guard to bring him to the palace. Mephibosheth feared for his life - fell on his face and called himself a "dead dog" - very humble - but David basically said, "I will show you kindness for your father Jonathan's sake - you get all the lands of Saul, his servants and you will eat at my table forever."

Mephibosheth entered the Palace, and ate at David's table just like he was Jonathan.

The saying, "For Jesus sake" is part of Scripture - but those who don't understand basic covenant concepts miss it generally. It applies to us. God acts on Jesus' behalf for us.

Short form - God and Jesus made covenant before the world began (Hebrews 13:20f.; Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:20) and even showed the concept in Abram's life. When it came time to walk between the pieces of bloody meat, Abram was put to sleep and two "entities" took that walk - "a smoking oven and a flaming torch passed between the pieces." (Genesis 15:17) representing the two who covenanted in reference to Abram - God and Jesus. (My conclusion - shared by several, not all.)

Now - conclusions - first I apologize for this brief "flyover" of this concept - I hope to enlarge on all parts of today's session - but that is my basic understanding conclusions of God's ORIGINAL plan. I do conclude that Ultimate Covenant was made before the world began and reaffirmed to Abram - since Abram was asleep, he was not the partner of the covenant Promise - only the recipient. The language "I WILL do and I AM the one who" indicates God is announcing the continuation of the Promise and it involves Him using Abram to be the Father of faith and his lineage to be the one the Promise comes through to bless the whole of mankind. The focus is Jesus.

One other conclusion - since "They" walked through the pieces of meat - then WE did as well, since Jesus was intended by Covenant Promise to be our representative as well as God's. As God's representative, He did not need to walk between pieces of meat - only as OURS. He was and is our Champion, and this is the first recorded act of His representing us. Ultimately He took the punishment for us on the Cross as our Representative. More on that next . . .

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