Thursday, July 31, 2008

(39) Going DEEPER into "in Christ"

Before going back to our ROOTS of covenant concepts, let's refine part of this concept of being "in Christ" as it refers to our overall theme.

I recently received some material my dad wrote back in the 1920's as he contemplated his future and made choices - mostly about what he decided to NOT do, but ultimately choices were also made about what he actually ended up doing and some of the priorities of his life. One very serious choice was to embrace a spiritual awareness and an allegiance to Christianity. Pretty serious when deciding to be on your own at 16 or 17. Those are my roots as well and I was "in dad" as he made decisions to come to Canada from Denmark. There is a literal concept there - but from our study perspective, we realize that what our ancestors decided controlled their lives AND ours in several focus points. We sometimes remind people they cannot help where they come from - but they can have some control over where they are going. They cannot help what kind of parents they had - but certainly can have some influence over the kind of parent THEY are. I thank God for my dad and His choices of priority - but when I share in them - it's even more cogent. If he had not made his choices - you would not be hearing from me at this point - probably. His choices influenced - and some controlled my life.

Compare that to being "in Christ" - several choices have already been made by HIM. Your forgiveness is already a "done deal". Your CHOICE in receiving that is yours to make - as you are made aware of His choices and results. Several other things follow from Jesus being made our NEW Covenant. He is The Way, The Truth, The Life - so everything of ultimate value and identity is wrapped up in Him - HE gets ALL preeminence. You have a choice to make - allow HIM to be your ultimate reality - or try to find it some other way. His choices and performance are an historically focused fact. That presents the choice about what YOU will do about Jesus as a major part of whether you live in reality or not. You CAN embrace the future God has prepared for you - or you can choose like Adam and Eve and all humans since - to be God in your own life. Wait - we've already done that. So - we have to decide to STOP being God in our own lives.

So - does that mean all of life is planned out and set for those who decide for Jesus to be Lord ?

Actually - the answer is always "yes" and "no" to those kinds of questions. YES - if you have chosen to live "in the palace" with Jesus, you do have a structure for life. But - NO - if you have entered an adventure with Jesus and Abba - it is an adventure daily - just like it was for Jesus in His ministry and life. As HE said, "I only do what I see the Father doing." "I do NOTHING on My own." HE responded to life as it happened, but He knew He was heading to a Cross.

If we are "in Christ" - then Paul challenges us to realize that we now have HIM as our life and He is still loving and sharing His life with the world He loved and died for. Paul explained that as we are "no longer living for ourselves, but for Him who for our sakes died and was raised." From an understanding of Jesus as Covenant, we then go where He goes and allow Him to live in and through us - so we live that adventure. Many folks have objected to this concept by bringing up an idea that we don't have Jesus with us at all times - or in all places. My response is - how did you get separated from HIM ? Their response - "Well - I don't think Jesus wants to be with me in the bathroom." My response - "I don't think you have a choice." The marriage covenant tells me I am married to my wife - 24-7-365 - except on Leap Years - then it is 366. No Choice !

But - we CAN live like Jesus is not with us at all times - but that is not REALITY. We can live like we are not "in HIM" at all times - but then we are not living up to our privilege. But - even more to the point - we are living an illusion. (Like many do in reference to their marriage !)

Paul taught that "The things that are SEEN are temporary, the things that are NOT seen - are Eternal." So - if we don't get plugged in to the unseen things, well, we'll be focused on things that cannot and will not last. AND - since Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth, THE Life - well - what else is there ? HE is our reality - our ONLY reality. So - when we are "in Christ" - we've come to reality. As Paul taught - "In Him ALONE dwells immortality" 1 Timothy 6:16, and WE are THERE !

Three thoughts: (1) - Jesus has done it all for us - "It is finished."
(2) - HE ALONE has the offer of reality for us - so our choice is important.
(3) Being in Him - is one key to important stuff . . .and HE invites us to be "in Him and He in us" - as finding "the Way, Truth, Life" - because NO ONE comes to the Father - but BY Him.

I consider that to be of ULTIMATE IMPORTANCE - and being "in Christ" is at the center of that importance ! Don't settle for "religion" - when HE wants relationship - intimate relationship. In that situation He promises to give us - life and that abundantly. More to come

1 comment:

Unknown said...

On your point about Jesus being with us at all times, I believe it was Peter Enns who remarked that prayers delivered during public worship often invoke God's presence as if "he was at another meeting." We also hear prayers in which God is asked to go with the congregants as they leave the building. It's probably just habitual and customary, but does it bespeak a fear that God won't be with us?